Quantcast Home Partner Program | Locations

Home Partner Program

How it Works

When you are a Locations Client, registered on LocationsHawaii.com, you will have access to our exclusive Home Partner website. This website is a valuable resource that will provide you with discounts and offers from local businesses to help you save money as you move in and get situated.  

To take advantage of discounts, you need to be a client of Locations, print applicable coupon, and bring to the vendor.  Available exclusively to registered website users and clients of Locations.  

Click Here to Access Locations Home Partner Discount Coupons and Codes!

Own a Business?  Join the Program

Joining the Locations Partnership Program gives you access to hundreds of home buyers and sellers each month.  Locations is the largest real estate company in Hawaii, utilize our extensive network to grow your business.  

What Partners Receive

  • Posting of a special offer or discount for Locations clients and contacts
  • Your logo on Locationshawaii.com
  • Short description of your company’s services
  • Contact information and store locations
  • Link to your website from LocationsHawaii.com
  • Your logo on emails or any marketing materials sent to clients on the Home Partner program
  • Your logo and offer on printable online coupons
  • Best part is there is NO COST to participate in the program!
  • Your offer will be available to Locations clients through December 31st, 2017. Contracts will be renewed on an annual basis.

Questions or to Sign-Up

If you have any questions or want to start the process, please contact Joe Segal at 738-3278 or joe.segal@locationshawaii.com