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Shirley Mercado was born and raised on the island of O’ahu, where she has a home with her 4 children and husband of 27 years. In 2006, Shirley entered the real estate industry with Locations, LLC, where she assisted first-time home buyers, sellers, and investors with purchasing and selling properties. Through her many years of real estate experience, clients of all backgrounds have been drawn in by Shirley’s outgoing, passionate, and soothing persona; They are further satisfied with the personable, responsive care she gives to each real estate dream and adventure.
As a former healthcare industry Manager of the Account Management Team, Shirley knows the importance of providing professional, honest service to meet expectations. This attentiveness rolls over to real estate, where she delivers valuable advice and trustworthy guidance specific to each client.
Outside of real estate, Shirley enjoys family time, hiking, networking, community outreach, and fundraising events. Most of all, Shirley enjoys facilitating clients in making positive, lasting change in their lives by maximizing their financial potential; Purchasing a home or investment property may seem intimidating, but Shirley consistently provides reliable, knowledgeable, and diligent expertise to guarantee client achievements. She is always eager to meet new people and share her vast real estate intel.
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