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A Waikiki, Oahu resident, Tha’s real estate career began in 2012 after 28 years as a fine jewelry business in the state of Utah. In just the past four years, Tha has closed 33 transactions, primarily in the Waikiki area and engenders the work-play motto in the neighborhood that she has come to love.
She is customer oriented and pays attention to the fine details while being a great listener , her experience led her to building good relationship with client, negotiating skills become nature an avid to get what her client want for her clients. She is team player with a win-win attitude at all times. She understands client needs and helps turn their dreams into reality. Her knowledge and enthusiasm builds great relationships with clients with a good reputation in our community. Her highest priority remains to serve her clients with integrity and solid work ethics.
Tha is self-motivated is known for handling client needs with sensitivity and care. The experience and the skills the past 32 years she put to work for her clients. These skills allow her to work efficiently & effectively with each client, investor client while ensuring they receive timely communication and the necessary tools to make informed decisions.
Aside from real estate, Tha enjoys yoga, hiking, walking and gardening. She is actively involved in volunteer work with Asian community and church.
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