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Representing the Island of Oahu, Ty is committed to fulfilling his clients’ needs while also demonstrating the highest degree of integrity. Ty gained great knowledge shadowing his dad at construction remodels, which created a passion for real estate now making it his career choice. This experience has given him an intimate understanding of how the benefits a ‘dream home’ can bring to a family.
Born and raised in Waimanalo, but graduating from Kapolei High School Ty grew up playing Football and Baseball and quickly adapted to the transformation of country living to city lifestyle.
Throughout his high school career, Ty was recognized for his athletic talent on the field with the 1st Team OIA Honors and ESPN Hawaii All-State Honors for Football and Baseball. He also broke the record for receiving yards (313 Yards) during his High School Football career. Ty’s Football career continued at Feather River College where he earned his Associate of Arts Degree in Sociology.
For the past 3 years Ty has worked in the Escrow industry with a Fortune 500 company, there he learned an aspect of the closing process with real estate. This prompted his eagerness to help local families get into their dream home to own a piece of paradise. Ty’s dedication and follow through is on point and his charisma and joyous energy make him a delight to work with!
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