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Single Family Home in Haina Pali Kai Estates - Hamakua Hawaii
Indulge in the epitome of island living at this private 16-acre oceanfront estate, a rare gem designed with a deep reverence for the land's beauty and the Hamakua coastline's tranquility. Nestled in the heart of the Hamakua coast, this haven offers a serene escape while remaining conveniently close to the historic towns of Honokaa and Waimea, prestigious schools, and North Hawaii Community Hospital. The coveted location provides a balanced blend of seclusion and accessibility, with Kona and Hilo international airports just an hour away. World-class resorts, gold coast amenities are all within a leisurely hour's drive from this majestic ranch estate.
Property Highlights:
Exceptional Craftsmanship: The new, fully furnished main house is a testament to the Island's finest materials. Custom-crafted Koa cabinetry, imposing Ohia posts, Monkey Pod flooring, and various Eucalyptus species come together in a symphony of natural beauty.
Luxury Courtyard Oasis: The heart of this estate is the captivating courtyard with a generous 45,000-gallon swimming pool adorned with a rock wall waterfall, reflecting pool. An outdoor kitchen and full bar, enclosed in stainless steel and glass, enhance the resort-style experience.
Dual Homes, Singular Charm: This property's allure is magnified by the presence of two complete homes, a truly unique offering
Stunning Guest Home: The second home, boasting over 2,100 square feet, offers tranquility and exclusivity a few hundred feet from the cliff edge. With a quiet and private setting, this spacious 4-bedroom, 2-bath retreat features an all-Koa kitchen, koa interior trim, and a living room fireplace.
Grand Estate House: This resort-style masterpiece spans 6,500 square feet and features a grand Koa kitchen, high ceilings, oversized bedrooms, wide hallways, and bespoke woodwork throughout. Spectacular ocean, coastline, and Maui views are constant companions.
45-3514 Nanaina Kai Rd Honokaa 96727 is listed Courtesy of Compass
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