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Single Family Home in Kalopa Homesteads - Hamakua Hawaii
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Frequently referred to as “Heaven on Earth '' by its guests, Kalopa Mauka Retreat is a beautiful display of “Eye Candy” with gorgeous gardens & landscaped acreage (4.93). Modern Country living at its finest. With gardens that include: various Palm & Coconut trees, fruit trees (oranges & lemons), raised herb gardens, white pineapples, bananas, coffee plants, plums, cherries, raspberries, and almost every Hawaiian tropical flower you can think of! Just 3 minutes from Kalopa State Park Trailhead, and 5 minutes to Honokaa town. Located In between both HIlo and Kona Airports.
Kalopa Mauka Retreat offers 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, which can be separated into 2 units for ohana or rental income and a large 2-car garage. Large dual-paned picture windows provide good climate control, as well as ocean and garden views from every room of this home! The many upgrades and recent remodeling have contributed to maintaining and re-creating the charm of this home including a lovely fully-screened & glass custom lanai for drinking your morning coffee, watching the Hamakua sunrise, engaging in your yoga practice or simply relaxing with a cocktail. A large pond with a solar pump & deck off the west side of the house is perfect for barbecuing and provides an optimal vantage point for stargazing.
Currently, a “rarely available”, Superhosted/vacation property. This home is tastefully furnished (furnishings inventory list and financials available upon request). The various upgrades include a dual-level dishwasher (Fisher & Payke), dry cedar sauna (Almost Heaven), water filtration system, custom window coverings, farmhouse kitchen sink, ocean/garden kitchen view, bedroom wood burning stove, hot & cold outdoor shower, separate pantry structure, and a generator (Gentac) in case of emergencies. Come experience this “one-of-a-kind property” and enjoy the views on the fully screened in custom lanai.
44-2848 Kalopa Mauka Rd Honokaa 96727 is listed Courtesy of Bizwala
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