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Single Family Home in Kalopa Homesteads - Hamakua Hawaii
Nestled on 1.3 acres, this 2-bedroom, 2-bath plantation-style home offers the perfect blend of charm, comfort, and sweet ocean views. This well-maintained home has been updated with new plumbing, electrical systems, and windows while retaining its classic charm. The living room features a Jøtul wood-burning stove, with additional propane heaters throughout for added comfort on cooler mornings and evenings.
The property offers serene ocean views and a quiet, private setting. You can relax outside, watch the birds at the feeder, and take in the blue Pacific as your backdrop. A great partially enclosed lanai w/ laundry utilities and a nice open deck provide additional spaces to enjoy the fresh air. The fully fenced and gated property additionally includes a two-car carport, a dry storage shed, fenced paddocks previously used for livestock, a playhouse, a thoughtfully designed chicken coop, and even a separate shed to park the mower (mower can be included w/ the right offer).
The land is planted with macadamia nut trees, bananas, tangerines, oranges, lemons, avocados, guava, lilikoi, and coffee, providing a variety of fruit and nut harvests. At 1.3 acres, the property is an ideal size for enjoying outdoor living without requiring extensive upkeep.
Located in the sought-after Kalopa Mauka area, the property is within a short distance to Kalopa State Park’s Nature Trail and just a 10-minute drive from Historic Honokaa town. Waimea, with its renowned private schools, shops, restaurants, and medical facility, is a 30-minute drive away.
This property is a wonderful opportunity for those looking for a peaceful home with manageable acreage and beautiful surroundings.
44-3110 Kalopa Mauka Rd Honokaa 96727 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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