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Vacant Land
Paauilo Homesteads 2Nd Series - Hamakua
A rare chance to acquire a stunning 59-acre parcel in Paauilo, a location known for its natural beauty and charm. Zoned AG5-A, this property offers the perfect setting for a private estate or a potential development opportunity for the right investor.
With access to both the top and bottom of the land, the property offers flexibility for the direction the new owner envisions.
Situated at an elevation of 2,000 to 2,300 feet on the slopes of Mauna Kea, Paauilo is a region of small farms, ranches and country roads. The property provides opportunities to walk for miles on scenic backcountry roads. Enjoy ideal daytime temperatures between 75 and 85 degrees and cool evenings in the 60s, with summer nights sometimes reaching the low 70s. This area truly captures the essence of old Hawaii.
Paauilo’s location makes it a central hub for exploring the northern side of the island. The historic town of Honokaa, just 10-15 minutes away, offers restaurants, shopping, a small grocery store, and a beautifully renovated movie theater that features first-run films and live events. Waipio Valley and Hilo are east and south, and the stunning beaches and towns of Kamuela and Hawi to the west and north.
As an added plus, this property has already been subdivided, providing a fantastic opportunity for future development should the new owner choose that option.
This is a one-of-a-kind offering. Whether you're looking for a private sanctuary or an investment with development potential, this estate offers possibilities to explore.
Sale includes TMK's
43-1815 Manienie Rd Paauilo 96776 is listed Courtesy of Aloha Sotheby's International Realty Inc.
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