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Single Family Home
Teixeira - Hamakua
Located in quaint Honokaa town, this charming three bedroom 2 bathroom home has been tastefully renovated, while still keeping the integrity and charm of a Honokaa home. Located on a cul-de-sac, this home is walking distance to the farmer’s market and minutes to town, yet avoids the traffic of a main street.
Upon entering, you are greeted by a warm and cozy kitchen area with built-in seating and storage. The oven and range are built into a large island, which provides ample cooking space. The kitchen features freshly painted cabinets, new appliances, Silestone countertops and new lighting and ceiling fans. The large windows in the living room provide plenty of natural light and a panoramic ocean view. There is an additional outside stairs and sitting space, where you could drink your morning coffee with an ocean view! The main bathroom has recently been updated with new vanity, tub, tile, fixtures, tile floor, and fresh paint as well as updated plumbing.
The primary bedroom is a generous sized room with new ceiling fans and fresh paint and features an ensuite bathroom. The ensuite has been recently updated with a new vanity, flooring, medicine cabinet and fresh paint. Two additional bedrooms provide ample space for guests or family members, each designed with comfort and relaxation in mind.
Outside there is a covered carport with a large amount of storage, a washer and dryer, and an additional bathroom and shower. The front and back yard boasts over 25 different well established edible fruit trees. There is an outdoor sitting area which provides a space to enjoy this exceptional garden.
Honokaa town features a historic movie theater, a pool, weekly farmers market, a variety of restaurants and cafes, as well as many local boutiques. Located about 40 minutes to white sand beaches and resorts, and an hour to Hilo, a home in Honokaa provides an opportunity to embrace the essence of Hawaii's Big Island living.
45-539 Miulana Pl Honokaa 96727 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty
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