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Single Family Home in Discovery Harbour - Kau Hawaii
3/2 Home in Golf Course Community. Steel frame construction, high ceilings, tile in kitchen, living room & baths, and carpet in bedrooms. Light & bright home with lots of windows, and open kitchen, living and dining area. Master suite has large countertop space in bathroom, walk in closet and sliding glass doors to patio. Attached two car garage with storage, Solar Hot Water.
Large Front Lanai and Spacious yard!
Discovery Harbour is a subdivision community around a golf course with optional Social & Golf Memberships available. See https://www.dhgolfclub.com/ for more information. Located less than 4 miles from former plantation town of Na'alehu which has several restaurants, Ka'u Coffee shops, Punalu'u Bake Shop, gas station, hardware store, and more. Nearby attractions are South Point (world famous fishing) Green Sands & Black Sand Beaches & Hawaii Volcano National Park.
* Homeowners Association -mandatory annual dues of $150 per year (subject to change). Association CC&R’s & By-laws available on the DHCA website - www.discoveryharbour.net
* Conveniently located in the Southernmost community in the whole of the USA! Approximately half way between Kona and Hilo, Lava Zone 6, County Water, overhead electric, County Piped Water (great water from the Waiohinu springs - at very reasonable rates, county maintained roads, Street Lights & hydrants, volunteer fire dept & community watch programs. This area has amazing weather year round and trade winds frequent this area to keep temperatures very comfortable. Most homes in our area do not need heating or AC units due to the pleasant weather.
94-1727 Kaulua St Naalehu 96772 is listed Courtesy of The Land Office, Llc
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