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Single Family Home
Green Sand Subdivision - Kau
*Watch Video Walkthrough*
Discover this hidden gem situated in the serene Greensands neighborhood of Na'alehu. Perfect for those seeking an escape from the ordinary, this off-grid oasis offers privacy and tranquility in a natural, self-sustaining environment.
Wake up to stunning mountain and ocean views and end your day with breathtaking sunsets from the comfort of your private lanai. This property embodies the essence of an indoor-outdoor lifestyle, with thoughtfully designed landscaping featuring papaya, hibiscus, citrus, fig, banana, and more, creating your very own tropical haven.
The property includes two distinct structures: a modern main living space built in 2021 and a newly constructed geodesic dome, completed in 2023. Use the dome as a peaceful yoga or meditation retreat, art studio, or explore its potential to transform the entire property into a wellness center. With ample space to expand, the possibilities are endless.
This property offers a self-sufficient lifestyle without compromising on comfort. Enjoy the freedom of customizing this and truly making it your very own.
Property Highlights:
-Lava zone 6
-6 solar panels & batteries (owned)
-Wind turbine
-2; 600gallon water catchment tanks
-Tankless water heater
-Propane cooktop
-Larger than normal land size, with 2 side by side lots, you have just over half an acre.
Sale includes adjacent lot (TMK: 3-9-4-15-153).
94-6351 Pele St Naalehu 96772 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Hilo
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