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Vacant Land
Green Sand Subdivision - Kau
Escape to this peaceful 12,000 sq. ft. property located near the end of Pele Street, offering a tranquil setting with minimal traffic. The lush, wooded terrain provides both privacy and the opportunity to create a tailored space with possible ocean views once cleared.
Prime location with nearby amenities conveniently situated in the Green Sand Subdivision, this lot is just minutes from Na‘alehu, a charming town featuring local shops, dining, the renowned Punalu‘u Bakery, a credit union, and a gas station/quick mart.
Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the nearby Green Sand Beach and Punalu‘u Black Sand Beach, or enjoy world-class fishing at South Point—Hawai‘i Island’s southernmost tip.
Lava Zone 6: A safer designation, with the area’s topography providing added protection.
Flood Zone X: Outside of high-risk flood areas.
Power Connection Ready: HELCO confirms the S.S.P.P. fee is paid in full—a significant cost-saving benefit.
No HOA Hassles: Road maintenance and HOA fees are not actively collected, and no formal association is known to exist. Historical CC&Rs may appear in title reports.
Copy and Paste Video Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19wssC_qnaf1362qCWXjU8QmiF3g8DAvI/view?usp=sharing
All information is provided without warranty or guarantee. Buyers and agents are encouraged to verify all details independently to ensure they meet their needs and expectations.
Pele St Naalehu 96772 is listed Courtesy of United Country Real Estate-Hawaii Lifestyle Properties, Llc
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