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Single Family Home in Hove - Kau Hawaii
This Move-in Ready 2/1 Home sits on a wide 1 Acre Lot in a nice area of Hawaiian Ocean View Estates where there are mature Ohia Trees and some Ocean Views.
The entire property has been cleared and it's Fully Fenced with plenty of room to expand. This would make a Great Family Farm Property.
The Home is completely Off-Grid with an Efficient Solar System, On Demand Propane Water Heater and 10,000 Gallon Water Catchment Tank.
There is Vinyl Laminate Flooring throughout, Solid Granite Counters and a 5 Burner Propane Stove. You have an open Living/Kitchen area and a Covered Lanai with some Views of the Ocean. It also has a separate Laundry and Utility Room and a Great Outdoor Party Pavilion.
This home was very well built but without permit. Priced accordingly for a Cash Sale. The Property Boundary Pins are Clearly Visible.
The Ocean View Town Center is not far away where you'll find Nice Grocery Stores, Gas Stations, Restaurants, Ace Hardware, Auto Parts Store, a Post Office and more..
Some Seller Financing Available at a reasonable Rate and Term with a minimum of $150,000 down.
92-1807 Luau Drive Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of Kona Ka'u Realty
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