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Vacant Land
Hove - Kau
FULLY GRADED and TERRACED 2 full acre parcel of land located in the lower elevation of Hawaiian Ocean View Estates. All of the ground work has been done for you INCLUDING permits for a (new 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom single family dwelling-1,144 sq ft-covered lanai 512 sq ft- on concrete slab foundation and 5'-4" galvanized tank (not installed), and septic system). ....SEPTIC has already been installed. EXCELLENTLY dozed with great attention to detail. The ocean views are FANTASTIC. This 2 acre parcel was lovingly landscaped with all sorts of trees including Mamane, Silver Oak, Ornamental olive, Tangerine, Lilikoi, Avocado, Autograph and many Ohia Lehua Trees.........GATED and ready for you to come and see this very special location.
Excellent 40 ft Container (great for storage ) comes with the property.
Road Maintenance approximately $150 per year subject to change.
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Information is deemed accurate but is not guaranteed. Buyers and agents need to independently verify any information that is important to their purchase or offering price including availability of power, exact property location, HOA fees, and CC&Rs if any.
92-1828 Luau Dr Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of Land And Homes Hawaii
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