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Single Family Home in Hove - Kau Hawaii
Hawaiian Ocean View Estates - lovely, well-maintained home in the lower half of HOVE near the fire station. This property shows very well as the formers owners were meticulous in their upkeep of both the home and grounds. Sold turnkey with furnishings and most everything else you see. Property tax amount is based on the age of the late seller, so that is subject to change upon sale. Some of the many great features include:
* Solar power with net metering
* Wood burning fireplace in the living room for chilly nights/mornings
* Two large lanais with wide staircases
* Landscaped acre, variety of plants, many short rock walls and trails, birdbath
* Vegetation includes citrus trees, orchids, agave, ferns, ohia trees and much more
* Garden window and skylight in kitchen, newer appliances include glass top range & sxs fridge w/bottom freezer
* Workshop and Laundry located under the back of the house
* Much of the flooring is bamboo with extra planks included
* Large primary bathroom with skylight
* Spacious primary bedroom with bay window and walk-in closet
* Open living room/kitchen/dining room area
* Generous water catchment tank size, exact capacity unknown at this time
* 24-hr manned fire station with EMS services located nearby
* Fully permitted for financing purposes
* A new tankless water heater is included in the sale
Ocean View has several small shopping areas with markets, gas stations, restaurants, a post office, hardware store, auto parts and more. Drive just over one hour north to Kailua-Kona for more medical services, major shopping and an international airport. There are several unique beaches in the District of Ka'u such as green sands and black sands! The south end of the island is famous for its old Hawaii feel and is the location of the first settlers on the island.
92-6072 Orchid Circle Mauka Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of Kw Big Island
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