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Single Family Home in Hove - Kau Hawaii
Hawaiian Ocean View Estates - lovely permitted 3/2 home on one landscaped acre, with an additional forested corner lot included. Some of the many great features are:
* Freshly painted interior, including attached 2-car garage and storage building ceiling
* Sold turnkey furnished w/3rd bedroom currently used as an office
* Ceramic tile and bamboo flooring throughout
* Granite countertops, hickory kitchen cabinets, linen closet in hallway
* Stainless steel appliances in kitchen, separate pantry
* Laundry room has front loading machines, laundry sink, ice making machine & small chest freezer
* Toilets were replaced with handicap-height fixtures, new glass shower doors installed
* 2-car attached garage has a workbench and two storage areas with shelving
* Firepits with seating areas, many landscaped paths and trails throughout
* Second structure (@600 sf) has large glass sun room for entertaining with rough-in plumbing, double-layer deck with fireplace and gazebo, unpermitted
* Storage building is about 10 ft x 12 ft with single-wall construction and bamboo flooring, unpermitted
* 18 ct 200 watt panel solar power system (owned, not leased), tankless propane water heater, 9k gallon covered water catchment tank with ultraviolet water filtration system
* HELCO power with solar system feeding back into the grid
* TV's are Roku through the internet with additional FUBO for local service and sports
* Concrete driveway, parking pad, garage apron and sidewalks
* Located near the Ocean View Fire Department with EMS services, staffed 24 hrs with four firemen and two EMT's
* Sellers are the original owners and purchased home directly from the contractor
* Sunset and partial ocean views can be seen through the trees
* FYI, HOVE road fees are $150/yr per lot
* Additional lot is adjacent one wide corner acre, naturally forested
* List of plants and trees is attached
92-6078 Orchid Circle Mauka Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of Kw Big Island
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