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Single Family Home in Hove - Kau Hawaii
Nestled on a spacious 1-acre corner lot in the lower part of Hawaiian Ocean View Estates, this property is brimming with possibilities. The peaceful location and expansive layout provide a sense of privacy, while the land has been enriched with fertile soil, perfect for gardening and already supporting a variety of flourishing fruits and vegetables. Enjoy breathtaking ocean views from virtually every vantage point, creating a serene and picturesque backdrop for everyday living. A versatile shipping container has been partially transformed into a comfortable living space and workshop, complemented by a separate bathhouse featuring essential amenities. Unique features include a stripped school bus in excellent condition, offering creative potential for additional living space or recreational use. Ample storage solutions ensure that all your belongings are neatly organized, while the property’s very fertile land invites endless gardening and agricultural opportunities. With dual gated access providing security and convenience, and plenty of space for future development, this property is the perfect place to bring your Hawaii dream to life.
Also included in the sale is the car picture which is a 2001 Nissan Pathfinder.
92-8244 Bamboo Ln Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of Compass
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