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Single Family Home in Hove - Kau Hawaii
Enter into the Huge Great room with soaring high ceilings and open plan with living Dining and Kitchen perfect for entertaining. The Kitchen has newer very nice appliances and solid wood cabinetry and granite countertops. There are three Spacious Bedrooms and 2 Full Bathrooms. This Lovely Immaculate Home is nestled in a peaceful quiet treed oasis with complete privacy in an area of nice homes in the lower part of the subdivision and is turnkey furnished. Just bring your suitcase and move right in! The yard is full of beautiful colorful plantings including citrus and avocado trees and many flowering plants but is low maintenance. Lots of room to expand the gardens. The property is gated with Security system and there is built in storage rack in the large 2 car garage. The home has high vaulted ceilings cool tiled floors and laminate flooring in the bedrooms, indoor laundry room and plenty of closet space. It's all on one level for ease with no stairs. There is a complete whole home solar system with 13 panels and a tesla power wall installed and maintained by Sunnova. This easy-to-use system can be monitored by using an online app on your phone and has a monthly cost of approximately $168.00 and can be assigned to the new owner. The system can also be wholly purchased if Buyer desires at additional cost. The house is also connected to regular electricity for backup. Built in 2006 this is a fully permitted, solid, well-built and well-maintained house. There is a large, covered lanai great for those afternoon BBQs and evening sunset viewing. Paved driveway to two car garage. Its rare find to have lush green trees all around and still have an ocean view. Come feel the serenity and you will want to call this place home.
92-8414 Bamboo Ln Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of South Island Realty
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