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Single Family Home in Hove - Kau Hawaii
A great home at a great price. This well-built, off-grid 1 bed 1 bath home on one acre is surrounded by natural beauty. Beautiful ocean and coastline views with native landscaping encircle the 600 sqft home with covered lanai situated for privacy. 5KW solar system with lithium storage batteries - paid for in full. 3000 gallon catchment system with backup 300 gallon cube.
The gated and red cindered driveway leads to ample parking areas and an 8 x 8 storage shed - and who doesn't need storage!
This home includes -
- 1 bed 1 bath approximately 600 sqft living area
- Covered lanai overlooking ocean and coastline
- Sliding glass doors in living area and large window in bedroom for ocean views!
- On-demand hot water heater
- Bathroom has full-sized shower w/ fiberglass faux-tile surround and rain shower fixture
- Stainless-steel full-sized energy efficient refrigerator
- Stainless-steel 5 burner propane gas stove
- Modern cabinetry with extra-large stainless steel sink with hand sprayer
- Extra closet area for stackable washer /dryer should you desire in future
- Cellphone and internet service are available in area
This is a great home for a single or couple. Very quiet area. Less than a mile from a main boulevard which gets you down the hill. Built without permits and CASH ONLY sale. No seller financing. Please include an as-is addendum.
92-8751 Iwalani Parkway Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of South Hawaii Realty, Llc
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