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Single Family Home in Hove - Kau Hawaii
Beautiful 1 bedroom 1 bath (approx. 480sf) on one acre with additional log cabin, surrounded by koa trees, ?ohi?a and a lush acre of native forest. Home has brand new appliances including washer, vinyl plank flooring, cedar tongue and groove in bedroom, pine tongue and groove in living room/kitchen, new countertops in kitchen, rockwool insulation in the house, French doors, two lanai, 10,000 gallon catchment tank and a gorgeous bathroom with freestanding tub all nestled in the forest with great privacy.
Log cabin is super cute built with fallen logs from the property. It’s approx. 144sf. (12x12) Additional composting toilet/outhouse built near log cabin, (2nd bathroom) could be used for guests, art or massage studio, etc. possibilities are endless.
Main home has a new 10kw solar system with charge controller installed on the house to monitor. Laundry works excellent with solar system, home is 100% off grid. Great elevation with 3 fruiting apple trees and Wonderful neighbors and community.
Chicken coop installed with chicken wire/fencing could also use for dog run and a new gate and gate posts installed. All structures & improvements are unpermitted. Cash only sale. No seller financing available.
92-8814 Plumeria Ln Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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