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Single Family Home in Hove - Kau Hawaii
This is a 2 acre property with a mid-elevation older home in need of TLC. Gardens are well established with bird of paradise, hibiscus, wild orchids, monstera and a special garden of "King Proteas". Home is 3-story and unpermitted, but well built. Second story has living area, kitchen, office and bathroom. A covered and screened lanai is accessed off the kitchen area. Third story is bedroom with open lanai and great water views. Lots of windows for light and bright areas. The first floor is a finished room with 2 adjoining storage areas. These may be finished to increase living area from the 892 sqft current usable. There is a full bathroom on the lower level and includes a washer and dryer with connections. The 10,000 gallon catchment has a new cover. Home has a large 480 sqft enclosed carport and adjacent plastic storage shed. Cement driveway has a large gate. The second parcel has a cabin in need of TLC, but is functional. Everything in homes to convey with the sale. Sold "as-is" as there is no power to the property at the moment. Generator or solar system would need to be purchased.
92-8873 Catamaran Ln Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of South Hawaii Realty, Llc
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