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Single Family Home in Hove - Kau Hawaii
Welcome Home to Ka'u, to this CUSTOM and TURNKEY FURNISHED; 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in Hawaiian Ocean View Estates. Enter through the front door into the heart of the home and the spacious great-room with its high vaulted ceiling. This area features a functional kitchen-dining-living room space that features a gorgeous live-edge monkeypod center island, and new pendant lighting. Walk through either set of double French doors to the large covered lanai that can be perfectly setup for entertaining. Enjoy miles and miles of sweeping unobstructed ocean views and wonderful sunsets all year long. The home is built on an artfully graded lava lot with tons of character surrounded by native Ohia trees This property offers a harmonious blend of modern luxury and the natural beauty of Hawaii, and shows pride of ownership. Located 1 mile from the center of the town of Ocean View.
Additional Property Features:
*Solar Hart Hot Water Tank
*Electric Fire Place in Living Room and Primary Bedroom
*Unique Finishes Throughout. Live edge wood center island and fireplace mantels, custom pantry door
*Waterproof LVP Flooring Throughout Home/ Fresh Carpeting in 2 of the Bedrooms
*Garage features full view window, built in desk and storage cabinets. Can Be Used as A Flex Room
*Beautiful One-of Kind Entry Gate. Custom doors on Garage.
*Fully Enclosed Water Catchment Tank and Storage area. Extensive gutter system on house and garage optimizes water collection
*New Bamboo Window Coverings in Every Room
*New Screen Doors
*Updated Lighting and Faucets, new Ceiling Fans in bedrooms
*Exterior of the House Painted in March 2024
*Full Floor-to-Ceiling Interior Paint Job in 2022
*Low Maintenance Landscaping
The information herein may contain inaccuracies and is provided without warranty or guarantee of any kind. Agents and buyers must independently verify any info they deem material or important to their purchase or any offered price there under.
92-8951 Lotus Blossom Ln Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of Exp Realty
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