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Vacant Land in Hovr - Kau Hawaii
Established in 1980, this business has been in continuous operation. Located on the island of Hawaii (Big Island), in the fastest growing area of Hawaii - Southernmost and largest land area consisting of Ka’u District and South Kona approximately 1,000 square miles having 12,213 Existing properties - according to TMK Public records. Investment activity in the South Hawaii Market has increased dramatically: 183% between 2016 and 2020, since January 2021 up to October 4th 2021 - 12% increase according to HIS MLS Sold listings. Gross profit of the South Point U-Cart, Inc. is directly related to Purchase Activity of Real Estate in the South.
South Point U-Cart is a profitable light-industrial business located on approximately 3.79 acres of which 1 acre is utilized. There is a permitted 3,000 sqft commercial building (final inspection on plumbing and electrical in 2018). 3-phase power is provided to the building. Around 3 acres are leveled and ready for development.
In general this business fulfills the needs of those living in the South or doing a building project or any investment activity. Electricity is expensive on the island, so propane is often used for heating water or for powering gas appliances. Propane sales have been number one in total income for years because propane is half the cost of electricity.
South Point U-Cart not only sells sand, road base, red and black cinder, decorative rock, rebar, concrete, pier blocks but also rents a lot of equipment and tools such as generators, compressors, hydraulic and electric Jack-hammers, a wide range of aggregates and tools to get things done. Most rental tools that you can think of. Concrete sales and rental have been number 2 and 3 in total income for years.
The property is located in Agricultural Zoning and has commercial land use for tax purposes. In Agricultural Zoning there are a total of 46 Uses: 23 Permitted and 23 Special/Use Permit (attached doc from Hawaii County Planning Dep)
92-1297 Prince Kuhio Blvd Ocean View 96704 is listed Courtesy of Kona Pacific Realty
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