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Single Family Home in Hovr - Kau Hawaii
Stunning Panoramic Ocean Views! This spacious 1,345 sq. ft. well designed and immaculate 3/2 home with additional 576 sq. ft. separate large guest cottage with its own bath on 3 acres is just what you've been looking for! This gem boasts breathtaking 180 degree ocean views that you can soak in from your comfortable covered lanai (deck) and bedrooms. There is plenty of space for family and friends. Home is handicap accessible with ramp onto lanai, grab bars in master bathroom, and tall kitchen and bathroom counters. Open concept (living room dining room and kitchen ) with vaulted ceilings. The separate ohana with its own bathroom is perfect for family, guests or even as a private workspace. Another added bonus is a 40 ft high top shipping container for abundant storage. This is a fee simple, permitted property.
You'll love the convenience of two driveway entrances equipped with alarms for that extra peace of mind. There are 2 ten thousand gallon water catchment tanks with pump and filtration system. One is dedicated to the house while the other tank is dedicated for the yard and gardens. Sellers have contracted quarterly maintenance by professionals for water catchment tanks, pump house, and for pest control.
Gardening enthusiasts will be thrilled with greenhouses ready for you to grow your own food or flowers. There is an outdoor shower to clean up after working outside or rinsing off from a day at the beach.
This house is honestly the quietest place you will ever live. If you're looking for tranquility and spectacular ocean views, this is the perfect place to call home. All furniture conveys with the property. Come see it for yourself, once you have, you won't want to leave. Welcome to your own slice of paradise.
92-908 Alii Blvd Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of South Island Realty
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