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Single Family Home
Kona Garden Estates - Kau
Stunning Fully Furnished 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath Custom home in the private, gated community of Kona Gardens Estates.
Six fenced acres with automated gate and owned security system
The main home has been recently painted, and 3/4 of the surrounding lanai was revamped with new stairs and railings
Updated chef's kitchen with new stainless steel appliances surrounded by custom Curly Koa Cabinets.
Stunning views from all windows glass French doors.
The upstairs features solid wood floors in the living area
Walk-in closet with abundant storage
Laundry area in Primary bath with tile floors that extend into the kitchen and walk-through Butler Pantry
The breakfast bar is solid Koa and accented with Monkey Pod and Pine tongue and groove paneling
Downstairs features a large bonus room, full bath, 2 bedrooms, or office space.
A new 20x40 Carport has recently been built.
The Separate Ohana has also been recently painted and is a fully furnished 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom complete with a full kitchen.
New Luxury vinyl Koa floors
There is a 20X40 shop, farm shed, and a chicken coop
Also included is a 20 X 40 barn on property
Water is a catchment system with three tanks and approximately 40K capacity.
The property has many mature trees, including Ohia, Palms, Silver Oak, Eucalyptus, Banyon, and a few exotic trees.
You will find avocado, orange, lemon, and lime trees for you to enjoy
A garden growing area for the avid gardener.
Main Home and Ohana are connected to HELCO, There are 18 Solar Panels on the Ohana roof and a Tesla Battery is completely paid off and owned by the sellers
This home is a must-see to enjoy the beautiful views and the tranquil serenity
This sale includes TMK 3-9-2-183-38
Home is fully permitted as a 1/1 and the other structures are also permitted as non dwelling or accessory buildings.
92-8964 Macadamia Dr Ocean View 96737 is listed Courtesy of Luva Llc
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