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Single Family Home in Volcano Golf & Country Club Subdivision - Kau Hawaii
Discover your new home at the Volcano Golf and Country Club Estates (VGCC), just a short distance from the Volcano Winery and Volcano Golf Course. VGCC offers the ultimate experience of island living, with year-round temperatures ranging from 50 to 74 degrees at an elevation of 4,000 feet.
This charming residence features a primary suite with one bedroom, but you have an excellent opportunity to convert the additional rooms or living space into a full-fledged bedroom! There's plenty of space for family gatherings as well as a peaceful retreat for relaxation. The extended lanai provides a perfect setting for your Ohana, and the open-concept floor plan allows the family room to be transformed into a guest room.
Located just 3 miles from Volcano Village, you'll have access to the farmers market on Thursdays and Sundays, along with a variety of dining options. The active Volcano National Park is only a 5-minute drive away.
The VGCC subdivision has the added benefit of no homeowner association fees and county-maintained roads, eliminating any road maintenance costs.
The house has been freshly repainted inside and out, featuring new vinyl plank flooring, updated paint, refreshed trim, and a newly painted roof, giving it a vibrant, updated look. The shower surrounds have also been painted, ensuring the home feels rejuvenated and inviting.
99-1789 Painiu Loop Volcano 96785 is listed Courtesy of Hinano Island Realty Llc
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