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Single Family Home in Volcano Golf & Country Club Subdivision - Kau Hawaii
"Mauna Iki".. is a classic cedar 3/2 bungalow bordering common area to the golf course. Open beam ceilings. Mature landscape all around makes for nice privacy
Ultra violet water filtration .
Unique outdoor / indoor shower is fully tiled and inviting located off the side entry.
Wood stove on raised brick hearth.
Large storage room behind carport.
Magical trail through the woods leads to the golf course.
Generous 422 sq. ft. wrap around covered deck for enjoyment & easy maintenance
Solar hot water.
Storage shed.
Paved driveway.
Recant survey on file.
Recent home inspection on file.
There is even a greenhouse..'
Kilauea Country Club is now back OPEN ..! It is the oldest golf course on the Big Island. Enjoy some golf..!
Enjoy life on the "sunny side" of Volcano. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is just across the highway for endless hiking & viewing pleasure. Kilauea Military Camp, serving Starbucks coffee at the Java Cafe completes your stroll to the Post Office. Lava Lounge is there for your enjoyment with live entertainment, breakfast - lunch & dinner next door. Also bowling with garden burgers and beer. Plenty of fun just a stroll or bicycle ride away. Smooth paved / wide county maintained roads and friendly neighbors exhibit pride of ownership.
* Kilauea Military Camp aka KMC provides; emergency medical service vehicle and is the designated fire station, located directly across the hwy. There is a 24 hour gas station there as well. Do the homework and you will find that this truly is a great community to belong to with Aloha friendly neighbors.
Find out why those who could live anywhere choose to live here.
Enjoy the "tinge of winter".
Lucky you live Volcano..'
MLS# 717682
99-1808 Painiu Loop Volcano 96785 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Kamuela
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