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Single Family Home in Volcano Golf & Country Club Subdivision - Kau Hawaii
Another big reduction just in time for the New Year! Failing health is necessitating another substantial reduction. Come see how much you get for your money!! Now furthered reduced to 779,000! Over 100,000. Now is your chance. Charming family home with views of the Volcano golf course. Located at the end of a quiet cul de sac, the home uniquely offers both privacy and golf course views as well as panoramic mountain views. This 3 bdrm/3ba home offers space, tranquility and flexibility. Master bdrm is generous with two closets, office space and deck with en-suite bath. Newer kitchen appliances, dining room, living room, sitting room, another full bath, two storage closets, and deck complete this level. Downstairs are two bedrooms, bath, and den. Gated with paved driveway, 3 car garage, gated chain link enclosure in back. Spacious backyard for your enjoyment, entertaining or family time. Great location. Close to Volcano Village, National Park, KMC, quality restaurants, services, events and services. So much has been replaced and updated since 2019. Can’t miss with this one! “All comments, data is provided by seller or seller's representatives. Buyer to confirm all & hold all parties harmless from any discrepancy data in the mls and advertising. Limited Service–Data Entry Addendum signed by seller/s must be signed by buyer/s with Purchase Contract."
99-7818 Kanawao Pl Volcano 96718 is listed Courtesy of Nathalie Mullinix Realty Universal, Inc.
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