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Single Family Home
Ookala - N. Hilo
An elegant piece of history! 3 houses w/ a total of 9 bedrooms/5 full & 2 half baths. Impossible to replicate the craftsmanship & materials used in this beautiful, 1920's era plantation manager home. Amazing ocean views from the formal dining room & 4 bedrooms of the spacious 6 bedroom/ 3 full & 2 half bath main residence. Hardwood floors, 10.5’ high coffered ceilings, precision cut blue rock exterior foundation 2 feet thick laid in rarely seen geometric patterns. 496 sq' finished basement w/ additional toilet & sink. Other valuable improvements include a 2 bedroom/ 1 bath guest house, 2 bedroom/ 1 bath care-taker's legal 2nd dwelling w/ full kitchen, swimming pool, 16'X60' greenhouse & a tack room/stable structure originally used for horses. Over 5 acres of fertile land w/ approximately 4 acres fully fenced. Gently sloped land w/ large level area. Abundant species of palm trees, succulent fruit, & tropical flowers. Located about a 45-minute drive into downtown Hilo or Waimea town, this property has never resold on the open market. Ocean access at Laupahoehoe Beach Park 4 & 1/2 miles away. A true healthful & peaceful existence. -1st SHOWINGS APRIL 21, 2025- See walkthrough tour.
39-3383 Old Mamalahoa Highway Ookala 96774 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Realty (808) 738-3904
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