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Multi-Family in Kahei Houselots - N.Kohala Hawaii
Location, Location, Location! Just a five-minute walk to Hawi's downtown restaurants, shopping, and services, this charming remodeled Plantation home offers multiple living options with four self-contained units. Designed for comfort and functionality, the property reflects the style of North Kohala Plantation days. The mature fruit trees and well-maintained landscaping create a picturesque, tranquil setting. The layout maximizes living space while ensuring privacy for each unit, with tasteful plantation finishes that speak to old Hawaii's charm and elegance. Main house was remodeled into three units. Upstairs 2bd/1.5ba features granite kitchen counters, stainless steel appliances, Kohler bath fixtures, and ceiling fans throughout, with abundant airflow and enchanting views. The ground floor 1bd/1ba unit boasts an eat-in kitchen and lovely natural light with views of the lush garden. At the back, an efficient 1bd/1ba apartment offers easy maintenance and cozy living. Back cottage, remodeled in 2018, included new roof framing, corrugated metal roofing, and major kitchen and bath upgrades. Priced for investors at a 6.5% cap rate. Seller financing, 40% down, P & I, 5 year term.
55-492 Ilina Road Hawi 96719 is listed Courtesy of Jeffrey Samuels Realty (808) 221-0557
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