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Vacant Land in Kamaee & Wailua Government Tract - North Hilo Hawaii
A rare opportunity to own nearly 2 acres of oceanfront property in Umaumau Falls Estates, one of the most prestigious ocean front communities on the Hamakua Coast. With breathtaking ocean and mountain views, you can enjoy invigorating sunrises over the Pacific and calming sunsets over beautiful Mauna Kea.
This parcel is cleared and is just waiting for your dream home to be built. A great deal of time and energy will be saved for the new owner with a beautiful custom floor plan that has been meticulously designed by the renown architect Matthew M. Graves which has been permitted and will be provided with the sale. Seller has also applied and been granted a permit for septic tank as well.
With nutrient rich soil and the option to tap into well water, this parcel presents endless opportunities for potential self sustainability but also encompasses the modern lifestyle with the ability to connect to high speed internet and underground electrical wiring in the subdivision. With CC&R's in place and no HOA dues, you will find consistency throughout the neighborhood with no hefty HOA's.
Just minutes from Laupahoehoe town with a local convenient store, oceanfront beach park and markets, you are also close to Honomu town along with being just about 20 minutes from downtown Hilo.
Certainly a rare opportunity to own one of 18 lots in the Umaumau Falls Estates subdivision where the groundwork already been done for you!
31-172 Hawaii Belt Highway Ninole 96773 is listed Courtesy of Pacific Isle Properties
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