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Vacant Land in Laupahoehoe Village - North Hilo Hawaii
Old Hawaii at its finest! Outstanding ocean and coastline, unblockable views! Whales and spinner dolphins play directly out front. Artists and photographers visit the point to capture what you can wake up to daily.
Over 3 acres with a driveway, house pad, & cesspool already in. The subject property was once approved by DLNR & county of Hawaii for a residence,. Previous owner was unable to complete the project prior to the expiration of the permit.
Hawaii state zoned conservation district. This is a resource sub zone that does allow you to build a residence with a CDUA permit. Please confirm with the department of land and natural resources.
Nearby Laupahoehoe Beach Park is tremendous asset. The boat ramp offers access to the Pacific Ocean and beyond. Near the beacon tower, there is a large outcropping of ancient lava that forms a natural tide pool / beach. Fishing, diving, and snorkeling are popular here. This is the only place between Hilo and Kawaihae to launch a boat.
This County of Hawaii park is very well maintained with expansive mowed lawn areas, pavilions, and bathrooms. Hiking trails go beyond the park along the coastline, ready to be explored.
If Paradise had an address, this would be it! Extremely rare 3.1 acres parcel, just across the lane from the blue Pacific Ocean. The edge of your property begins approx. 75' from the ocean.
Wake up to sunrises over the ocean, rainbows just within reach and the magical ala moana - path to the moon. You can go back in time down in historic Laupahoehoe Village. Palm trees tower and the verdant pali is the back drop. County water, power and phone are two lots away. Great weather! Breathtaking views. One of the finest locations on the coast!
MLS# 711635
36-1070 Laupahoehoe Point Rd Laupahoehoe 96764 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Kamuela
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