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Multi-Family in Waikaumalo - Maulua Homesteads - North Hilo Hawaii
Enter your Hawaii oasis, with ocean view, two waterfalls, year-round stream and swimming pond, 3 bedroom/1 bath main residence, and studio ohana!
This Hamakua Coast jewel is conveniently located directly off Hwy 19, in the desirable town of Ninole. Two lava rock entrance walls welcome you onto the 1+ acres, boasting mature flora to include two enormous mango trees, banana, and bamboo.
The on-grid, un-permitted two-story main residence features a two-sided lanai directly off the living room and kitchen. Outdoor seating allows you to enjoy spectacular sunrises and the cool ocean breezes as you sip your morning coffee, toast the end of the day, and host gatherings with friends and family.
You will love the beautifully appointed kitchen with its live-edge Acacia countertops, open shelving and stainless steel appliances. The cozy living room provides direct access to the lanai, with spectacular ocean views. The primary bedroom and Joanna Gaines inspired bathroom are also found on the main floor. Upstairs includes two additional bedrooms. Step onto the lanai and travel down the walk to discover an additional outdoor shower and galvanized bathtub, plus front load washer and dryer. What a view as the sun streams through the bamboo, and the swimming pond beckons a visit.
The on-grid, permitted ohana offers the same amazing ocean view, plus an open concept kitchen, living/dining, and bedroom format, with full bathroom. A Costco Carport with new Home Depot storage shed is included. The full time renters would love to stay, providing an annual rental income of almost $20,000!
The real “gem” of this property is the easily accessed swimming pond and upper waterfall. Meander down the reinforced steps to land at the newly constructed 8’ X 8’ platform. Dive right in to enjoy the clear cool water, or take the extended path to walk right in. If you love fresh water prawns, you’ll find them here!
Property has Homewner's Insurance!
34-1206 Hawaii Belt Rd Ninole 96773 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Hilo
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