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Single Family Home in Waipunalei Homesteads - North Hilo Hawaii
Sought after Hamakua Coast Estate with panoramic ocean views and a recent remodel.
Featuring a furnished main home and furnished guest cottage on almost a full tropical acre!
Open concept layout, custom kitchen with granite, soft close drawers, eucalyptus countertops, complete with custom hardware and upgrades GE Café appliances.
Interior bathroom with walk-in shower with nice stone. Patio/Lanai area boasts ocean horizon views for whale watching or relaxing and property has a seasonal stream as well.
Some upgrades include Daiken Quaternity AC Units with air purification or dehumidification. Energy-efficient windows and sliding glass door.
Newer metal roof with a heat shield and insulation
A 14-panel Photovoltaic Solar and maintained by SunRun through 2035.
Fenced with electric gate entry, Security system.
Michael Phelps MP Signature D Swim Spa, custom outdoor tiled shower.
Separate structure made into a guest cottage with kitchenette, bedroom, bathroom, with an outdoor shower and a wood heated soaking tub.
Outdoors shop your own produce market with lilikoi, chikoo, coconut, ulu (breadfruit), mango, avocado, rambutan, banana, kukui nut,, and the best white pineapple.
Approximately 1.5 miles to Laupahoehoe Beach Park. and 20 minutes to Hilo for everything you need.
36-1069 Jardine Rd Laupahoehoe 96774 is listed Courtesy of Hokulani Realty Llc
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