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Single Family Home
Halaula Subdivision - North Kohala
This gem of a property is a quality custom two bedroom two bathroom home in Kapaau, North Kohala. It has partial ocean views and privacy set back from neighbors on a flag lot. The home has hardwood Brazilian Cherry flooring throughout all living areas and bedrooms and ceramic tile bathroom floors. The chef's kitchen has hand built mango cabinetry, built-ins, gas range and elegant stone counters with a bespoke large stone and Ohia island. Sun pours into the kitchen through a skylight. The bathrooms also have custom Mango cabinetry. The owner's ensuite has dual vanities and separate water closet. The home has been artfully designed to fit the private tropical setting. There is a huge almost 1100 sqft cedar wraparound covered lanai supported by beautiful Ohia posts. Grand lava stone pavers have been installed for fancy walkways. A separate single car garage doubles as a workshop. An outside shower offers privacy, hot and cold water and bamboo enclosure. Great care has been taken to meticulously maintain the property and buildings. A pull down staircase to the attic offers access to a large storage space with plywood floors.
There are many new windows and a new dryer. County water plus 400 gallon water catchment for irrigating the well-maintained orchard bearing fruit with Coffee, Avocado, Pomegranate, Longan, Lychee, Papaya, Ice Cream Bean, Dwarf Coconut, Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, and Orange trees. The road the home faces is newly paved. It is the site of new water lines and new water meters.
North Kohala has a vibrant community with historic landmarks, many ocean parks, shops, restaurants, and the North Kohala Hospital. It is the birthplace of King Kamehameha I. Nearby is Kamehameha Park with free tennis, swimming pool, skate park, softball, baseball, basketball, and a small gym. A nine hole golf course, practice range and putting green also are at the park. The property is close to hiking trails and the Hawaiian Bird Sanctuary.
53-434 Halaula Maulili Rd Kapaau 96755 is listed Courtesy of Algood Hawaii, Llc
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