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Vacant Land in Honomakau & Puehuehu - North Kohala Hawaii
This North Kohala lot with partial Maui and Ocean views close to the intersection of Kynnersley Road and Akoni Pule HIghway is in a wonderful location. The clear grassy lot is ready to build with County water meter and septic already installed and survey completed. The land is fully usable with no gulches or other impediments and no CC&Rs. The northern boundary is defined by a neighbors stone wall with a stunning tropical garden; the west side has tall metal fencing and a long beautiful hedge of banana trees that are known for producing delicious bananas. The southern boundary is shared with a vacant grassy lot of equal size to this lot and the eastern boundary is Kynnersley Road. A concrete apron welcomes you into the driveway area and an earth berm provides privacy and protection from the road. From the berm and base of the driveway you can see beautiful ocean views and a major intersection of Kapaau. The Post Office and local bank are walking distance as are other conveniences. Within a short driving distance are State and County parks, the North Kohala Library grocery stores, Kohala Hospital and medical facilities and Kamahameha Park with public swimming pool, tennis courts, pickleball, a skate park, ball field, basketball courts, a 9 hole golf course putting area and intergenerational center. Purchase comes with an architect's concept drawing for main house with 2 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms and a 1 bedroom 1 bath cottage.
54-2537 Kynnersley Road Kapaau 96755 is listed Courtesy of Algood Hawaii, Llc
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