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Vacant Land
Kaauhuhu Homesteads - North Kohala
MUST SEE this stunning 16.4-acre parcel nestled in the heart of North Kohala, just minutes from town yet still perfectly secluded. With no HOA or CC&R fees, you have the freedom to bring your vision to life with fewer restrictions! This lot offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and convenience. Just a short drive from town, this gently sloped lot features a high point ideal for building your dream home, where you'll enjoy sweeping ocean views that stretch across the horizon. This lot not only offers a stunning view of Maui—a unique and special feature exclusive to certain areas of the Big Island of Hawaii—but is also bordered by a beautiful gulch, enhancing the property’s tranquility.
Fully equipped with essential utilities, the property features a water meter, electrical hook-ups conveniently located near the property line, as well as reliable cell service and Wi-Fi connectivity. These modern amenities ensure new owners will have a seamless foundation when building their dream home. The land is also zoned for agricultural use for endless possibilities – whether you envision your dream home, a farm, an arboretum, an equestrian center, or another venture.
Want instant income? The most recent lease ended in December and can be renewed with new owners. Leasing land for agricultural purposes may provide significant tax benefits, offering a financial incentive for making the most of this fertile parcel.
Offered at an exceptional price, this property stands out as the best value in the area—a rare chance to claim your slice of paradise in North Kohala. Don't miss out!
55-3581 Kaauhuhu Rd Hawi 96719 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Kauai
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