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Single Family Home in Kapaau Village - North Kohala Hawaii
Long known as the Telephone House in Kapaau, vintage 1938 plantation home. Proximity next door to telephone company high-speed internet/fiber optic hub! It doesn't get any closer than this...lightning fast! This home still has many of its original charming elements. All new lighting fixtures and fans. New Vinyl flooring. Repainted interior. New electric wiring and 200 amp service panel, Great old porcelain sink in kitchen, wood windows, built-in storage. Large daylight basement with separate kitchenette, bathroom, shower, and laundry. Detached large two car+ garage. This 3 bedroom, 2 bath home, with beautiful and private back yard, is walking distance to Historic Kapaau town, which has many of the essentials for rural, historic, old Hawaii living. Kohala Hospital, with its recently upgraded emergency facilities, Kohala Civic Center with senior center, fire and police all nearby. Lovely local shops, art galleries, pharmacy, and restaurants. Wonderful Kamehameha Park just out the backyard with pool, 9-hole golf, ball fields, tennis courts, multiple gyms, active pickleball program, Roots Skate Park, all within walking distance. Hiking trails and beaches nearby. This home is surrounded by a large agricultural gulch property and so very private with no neighbors on North and West facing boundaries.
54-3857 Akoni Pule Highway Kapaau 96755 is listed Courtesy of Kohala Pacific Realty
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