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Single Family Home in Kynnersley Road Tract - North Kohala Hawaii
Live your dream in spacious, restored plantation home nestled close to both Hawi Town and Kapaau. Quintessential plantation home exudes graceful, old Hawaii ambience. Four bedrooms surround a comfortable open den and dining room with built ins and old style charm. Simply exudes character everywhere you look, from the front porch to the sitting area, to the inviting bedrooms, to the outdoor stone shower, to the huge spacious backyard filled with many varieties of palms, fruit trees including lychee and mango, torch ginger, bird of paradise, plumeria, and more! Private, lush setting complete with large detached garage behind home and still lots of space to garden, roam, and enjoy! Most of the furnishings are included.
54-2534 Kynnersley Rd Kapaau 96755 is listed Courtesy of Kohala Pacific Realty
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