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Single Family Home in Puaiki - Kaiholena - North Kohala Hawaii
Nestled within the breathtaking landscape that is Kaiholena this 100% off-grid residence on 19.58 acres offers great privacy LESS THAN 25 MINUTES FROM WAIMEA. The driveway alone is over 2,400 feet! Enjoy the 180° panoramic ocean view, which stretches from Hualalai to Maui. The property, located within a 12-lot subdivision halfway between Kawaihae and Hawi, is within 15 minutes of some of the best beaches, restaurants, and resorts on the island. Hike down the hill past pre-contact archaeological sites to snorkle at Kaiholena Bay and from November to May watch the humpback whales and their calves from the lanai.
The house features polished concrete floors, stucco siding, a standing seam metal roof, vaulted ceilings, Cambria Quartz countertops, and custom bamboo cabinets and shelving. Huge Western pocket doors open to the most incredible ocean view, a large covered lanai, and a beautiful lawn. The front of the home features an open concept kitchen and bar designed for entertainment and cooking. The outdoor “island spa” in the back has a two-person soaking bathtub and an indulgent lava rock shower. The main house consists of two bedrooms, an office, and a small loft, while the 720 sq. ft. detached building is available as a master bedroom, guest house or rec room. The home is completely off-grid, featuring a photovoltaic system with a battery bank that lets you run the air-conditioning 24/7. Water is sourced from a well, treated with an automated reverse osmosis water filtration system producing 100 gallons of freshwater per hour, and stored in two holding tanks. Solar and irrigation systems are also automated and can be monitored and controlled remotely. A place of history, peacefulness, and sustainable luxury, this eco-estate is more than just a home—it’s a place of tranquility. Experience the magic of North Kohala’s coastline, where history, culture, and nature come together in perfect harmony.
58-1436 Kaiholena Pl Hawi 96755 is listed Courtesy of Aloha Sotheby's International Realty Inc.
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