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Vacant Land
Puakea Bay Ranch Subdivision - North Kohala
Discover your dream home site in the prestigious gated community of Puakea Bay Ranch. This exceptional 10-acre lot offers panoramic ocean views of Maui, Haleakola, Mauna Loa, Mauna Kea, and Kohala Mountains plus breathtaking year-round sunsets and serene morning sunrises.
With cleared terrain, this property is perfect for building your luxury home. Enjoy unobstructed vistas of Hawaii’s natural beauty and marvel at the graceful dance of Humpback whales as they migrate south during the winter months.
The property enjoys convenient access via a private road within the community, offering an excellent opportunity to build your dream estate or accommodate livestock with ease. Modern infrastructure is in place, including underground utilities and the availability of county water (meter installation required).
Puakea Bay Ranch offers more than just land; it’s a lifestyle. The gated community features a private park overlooking Puakea Bay, a prime spot for whale watching and enjoying the peaceful rhythm of ocean waves. An equestrian easement encircles the ranch, offering approximately 5 miles of trails for horseback riding, dog walks, or leisurely strolls.
Located just 4 miles from Mahukona, a popular dive and snorkel spot and just 3 miles south of Hawi in historic North Kohala, Puakea Bay Ranch is steeped in history and charm. This luxury rural community, once home to five sugar plantations and the birthplace of King Kamehameha I, offers the perfect blend of majestic views, island tranquility, and connection to Hawaii’s rich heritage.
Experience the beauty of the Big Island and make this extraordinary property your home. With its unmatched views, community amenities, and prime location, this lot is an exceptional value and an opportunity to build the luxury home you’ve always envisioned.
For information about the community design and build guidelines and CCRs, please visit the website: https://puakeabayranch.org/
56-2929 Puakea Bay Dr Hawi 96719 is listed Courtesy of Better Homes And Gardens Real Estate Island Lifestyle
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