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Single Family Home
Holualoa 1 & 2 Partition Lots - Beach Section - North Kona
Sometimes life causes us to have to shift gears unexpectedly. The owners of this gem fell in love with this property from the first visit just a few months ago. They saw incredible potential the way the main house and separate guest house were positioned so the property still had a huge botanical garden for a yard with endless potential. They knew the property needed some love and polish so the repairs and improvements began immediately. Now a few months later, refreshed with fewer items remaining, life circumstances have created the need to sell. This is a wonderful opportunity to get a main house and separate guest house on one oversized lot just two blocks off ALII Drive. The main house is a 2/2, built in 2004 and has a beach bungalow vibe with a split level decks, mountain views and true indoor/outdoor living. The first floor of the main house is a 1/1 w/tile flooring, a family area, small kitchenette, and a separate entrance to the lovely gardens and outdoor laundry area. The upstairs 1/1 has engineered Teak flooring in the living room, lots of windows for natural light & cross breezes, a kitchen w/granite countertops and a gas stove. The bedroom has a relaxing feel and the bath has a step in tiled shower. In the BDR closet, there is a ladder leading up to a bonus loft/cupola that makes a great overflow sleeping space or yoga sanctuary. And the 360 degree views won't disappoint.
The separate 1/1 Guest house, built in 1974, is the original home on the property. It is a great single level, one bedroom, one bath space with a lovely screened in lanai that looks out to the lush gardens and mature fruiting plants w/irrigation
If you having been looking for that fun bungalow lifestyle, in a great central location that is close to the beach, eateries and activities, but you also want your home and guest home to be surrounded by lush tropical nature with privacy, then welcome to this gem in the Holualoa Beach Lots. Sold furnished per inventory.
76-6176 Holualoa Beach Rd Kailua-Kona 96740 is listed Courtesy of Hawaii Life
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