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Holualoa 1 & 2 Partition Lots - Beach Section - North Kona
Absolutely oceanfront! Vast sea views await from this 2 bed/2 bath condo licensed as a short-term vacation rental. Enjoy sounds of surf and delight in year-round sunsets, and occasional sightings of turtles, dolphins and whales in season from the large, private lanai. Furnished with a tropical vibe, the third-floor unit is ideal for either personal and/or investment use. Just bring your sunglasses.
Highlights of 307
*Open concept design with east/west airflow
*Kitchen upgrades include stainless appliances and granite counters
*Tropically turnkey furnished
*All tiled flooring excluding bedrooms
*Baths upgraded with hardwood cabinetry and tub/shower tile surrounds
*New living and kitchen area ceiling fans
*Newer stacked washer/dryer
*Covered parking and elevator
*Location, Location and VIEWS
Kona Bali Kai shared amenities include a spa and lagoon-style salt-water pool, oceanside grilling area with tables, and manicured lawn area separating complex from ocean. Common area electric expenses are offset by rooftop solar. A formal entrance lobby with rental reception desk as well as the “Poke Shack” are also on-site. Access to upper floors of the mid-level complex is either by stairs or elevator. To its south is the adjacent Banyan’s surf break and Lyman’s break is just south of Banyan’s. To the north and housed in the 1855 stone and coral lime building is Living Stones Church.
Centrally located between Kailua Kona to the north and Keauhou to the south, Kona Bali Kai is close to restaurants, shopping, historic sites and beaches. Meander, drive or ride the open-air trolley along renown Alii Drive. Then come back to the vast sea views of 307.
76-6246 Alii Dr 307 Kailua-Kona 96740 is listed Courtesy of Kw Big Island
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