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Condo in Holualoa 1 & 2 Partition Lots - Beach Section - North Kona Hawaii
Beautiful condo located in Historic Alii Dr. right in the middle of Kona Town & Keauhou. Famous Poke Shack is downstairs for your convenience. Luxurious oceanfront amenities include: salt water pool, spa, picnic/BBQ area & Lobby area for your guests to check-in. Permitted STVR has a transferrable license to operate a legal vacation rental, with a very successful rental income history & in-house property management co., or you can do your own property management, your choice. Kona Bali Kai is a designated condo Hotel in a Resort zone. You can reside in the condo year-round, or use as a second home, or do V.R. the remainder of the year for added income. Included in sale: all furniture, linens, bedding & A/C. Experience the Hawaii lifestyle in Paradise, while enjoying the beautiful pool, sunsets & fall asleep to the soothing sounds of the crashing waves against the shoreline. Enjoy panoramic views of the Kailua-Kona coastline, or have your little ones hunt for sea critters or baby fish ("papio") in multiple tide pools along KBK's coastline. Trolley stop is out front, it takes you to town where all the tourist attractions are, such as scuba diving, fishing expeditions, whale watching, swim with Giant Hawaiian Sea Turtles or dolphins, snorkeling, surfing (Banyans is a local favorite surf spot), paddle boarding, etc., along with fine dining, cafes, entertainment & shops galore. Mtce. fee includes: insurance, water, sewer, cable TV, trash removal & bldg. maintenance. Escape to your own Hawaiian Retreat where you can savor all that Kailua-Kona has to offer. Imagine yourself here, where the weather is basically 73 degrees F year-round. The warm, clear waters of HI are home to some of the most fascinating fish species in the world, over 1100 fish species are found in Hawaii! Stay away from the beautiful, multi-colored Hi State Fish, with a "pig-like nose", this is an endangered fish, which you are not allowed to consume. All STVR bookings will be transferred to new Owner.
76-6246 Alii Dr 343 Kailua-Kona 96740 is listed Courtesy of Realty By The Sea
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