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Single Family Home
Holualoa 1 & 2 Partition Lots - Beach Section - North Kona
This is a Leasehold property that will automatically convert to Fee simple upon recordation of sale.
The Point off Alii Dr is an Oceanfront fortress! Zoned Resort-Hotel V-1.25 with possibilities on qualifying for short-term vacation rental permit from the County of Hawaii. 180-degree breathtaking view of the ocean. 4-story home with 3 separate living spaces each with their own electric metering. You have 2 surf spots to view from the lanai. Watch spinner dolphins in the morning and during humpback whale season it’s quite the show! Sunsets are epic from this well taken care of oceanfront residence. There is a large outdoor space to relax, entertain, and listen to the ocean from under the palm trees. The home is a 5 min drive to downtown Kona, 15 min to world-class deep-sea fishing and scuba diving from Honokohou Harbor.
First floor - Studio with one 3/4 bathroom: shower, sink, kitchen
Second floor- 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and kitchen. Master bedroom has a private en-suite bathroom
Third floor - includes a Large Loft (that is the 4th floor) - 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. Full bathroom in master bedroom. 1/2 bath in hallway and the loft has a Shower, Sink, toilet.
This is an investment opportunity not to be missed!
76-6280-C Alii Dr Kailua-Kona 96740 is listed Courtesy of Luva Llc
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