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Honalo Village - North Kona
Fully renovated in 2023, this spacious rare end bridge unit at Kona Coffee Villas has it all: Expansive ocean views, a luxury kitchen and quality finishes in a modern island style. Video: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=ufqS9RLv6MD&mls=1
The condo has new windows, flooring, doors, lighting, recessed lighting added, cabinets and countertops. You’ll find many extras that set this home above the others, such as remote sunshades on the ocean side and windows with vinyl frames on the jalousies that can be clicked closed.
The kitchen is marked by stunning quartz countertops, quality wood cabinets and stainless steel appliances. The ocean view steals the show from the great room and there is plenty of space to gather friends and family.
Windows surround this end unit on three sides, welcoming in that Kona sunshine. The master bedroom is bright and spacious with many windows. The master bathroom is beautifully appointed and has a walk-in shower with glass doors.
The guest bedroom enjoys the cool mauka breeze that drifts from Hualalai at night and it has a large closet. A second full bathroom with a bathtub and shower is advantageous after a day at the beach when everyone is eager to rinse away the salt and sand. Laundry lies just down the hall.
Kona Coffee Villas is a community for many full-time island residents, but it also feels like a vacation resort with a solar heated pool, hot tub, barbecue area, basketball and tennis courts. In fact, your unit and your deeded parking space lie just across from the pool and barbecue area. Stroll on over and get to know your new neighbors.
The community lies at a comfortably cool 1,400-foot elevation and the concrete construction and tile roofs help keep the homes cool inside.
Kona Coffee Villas is known for affordable HOA dues, kept low partly by a community solar system. This is your opportunity to embrace quality Hawaii living affordably.
79-7199 Mamalahoa Hwy G - 257 Holualoa 96725 is listed Courtesy of Hawaiian Isle Real Estate, Llc
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