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Kahului 1St & 2Nd - North Kona
LUXURY OCEAN VIEW CONDO – AFFORDABLE PRICE! Alii Park Place, is a gated community minutes from the Heart of Kona Historic Village. If you have never been here you will be surprised at the quality and uniquely Hawaiian feel. The community was designed and developed by a local architect whose work you will most often find in some of West Hawaii’s multi-million dollar homes. In 2004 he brought the same aesthetic to his first condominium project, Alii Park Place. Every part of these condo homes has his touch, from the Central Promenade, designed to inspire a sense of community, to the wide atrium entries designed to encourage airflow. Common areas include a resort style pool, spa, and pavilion with barbecue area.
OCEAN VIEWS and SPECTACULAR SUNSETS are unique to A201. Only one other Park Place unit is positioned to have this view from the Living/Dining rooms, Kitchen and Lanai. It includes an EXTRA LARGE GARAGE with room for storage and a door leading directly into the atrium entrance. The extra assigned parking space is right next to the garage. Visitor Parking is located just opposite the entry gate.
CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING for your comfort is equipped with central air, which was recently replaced. Carpets are Merit ‘Sisal Weave’. Bath has travertine floors and limestone counters. The bath cabinets are tall height the primary bath has, not just double sinks, but double vanities.
CATHEDRAL CEILINGS with large windows fill the rooms with natural light and make the 1129 sqft larger. The kitchen is a delight to look at. Custom Dewils cherry cabinets have glass front doors. Counter tops and back splash are thick green granite with rounded edge treatments. Hidden features make it a pleasure to work in this kitchen. Cabinet doors and drawers have soft close hardware, under cabinet lighting brightens your workspace. Pull out shelves, a built-in pantry and ample outlets along the backsplash add versatility.
Special Assessment already paid! Partly Furnished.
75-6025 Alii Dr A201 Kailua-Kona 96740 is listed Courtesy of Kona Homes
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