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Kahului 1St & 2Nd - North Kona
Highly coveted, Alii Park Place is known as one of the premier developments on Alii Drive.
Tinguely Development group created this complex wanting to offer true quality living. The development is a gem on Alii Drive and commands respect upon entrance. With incredible craftsmanship apparent throughout, this modern living concept will surely fulfill your long term needs.
Abundant with natural light and Sold Turnkey Furnished!
C-102 is a sensational space of 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and 2 separate private lanai's.
You'll appreciate the elevated finishes throughout including vaulted ceilings, Granite Counters, DeWils Cherry Cabinetry, Central AC, additional storage, and walk-in closet in the Primary bedroom.
Both beautifully remodeled bathrooms are adorned in travertine. The primary bath features dual vanity sinks with a walk in shower and the guest bath a full Tub/Shower.
The Front Lanai you'll enjoy views of the Royal Palm Walkway and gorgeous landscaping Alii Park Place Offers. The Back Lanai you'll be able to enjoy use of your own BBQ, & private gardening if you wish.
This ground floor condo has no stairs to access, and is incredibly close to your own private 1 car garage. You'll also have 1 additional parking stall conveniently located near by.
Quiet, peaceful, and low density private community with NO STVR
Minimum 31 night rental requirement here for investors.
Maintenance fees are incredibly reasonable for a 3 bedroom: It includes: Water, Sewer, Parking, Trash Removal, Groundskeeping and Maintenance of common areas.
Alii Park Place has a gorgeous Pool, Hot tub, & community Pavilion to enjoy.
75-6025 Alii Dr C102 Kailua-Kona 96740 is listed Courtesy of Knutson & Associates
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