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Single Family Home in Kohanaiki/Shores Of Kohanaiki Resort S/D - North Kona Hawaii
A prime front row location with white water ocean views and state-of-the-art features make Hale Kai Apo, meaning “Home of the Changing Tides” in Hawaiian the hallmark of the Kahakai neighborhood. This home was designed to blend its natural surroundings with a modern interpretation of the popular Shay Zak-designed homes.
At 6,670-square-feet, the indoor space features five bedroom suites, a great room, personal office, and bonus flex room. Each bedroom suite comes with an ensuite bathroom, enclosed outdoor shower garden, and private lanai. The expansive great room easily transitions from indoor to outdoor with floor-to-ceiling pocket doors opening up to a 1,280-square-foot lanai, infinity-edge pool, spa, and fire pit on the makai (ocean) side of the home. Overlooking the 16th tee box of the Rees Jones golf course, this open-concept home is ideal for those seeking privacy and convenience to all of Kohanaiki’s world-class amenities.
Kahakai 27 overlooks the 16th tee box of the Rees Jones golf course and is conveniently located within close proximity to the 67,000-square-foot Clubhouse where bowling, exercise, golf, and fine dining make you an integral part of Kohanaiki life.
73-2210 Ala Kohanaiki Kailua Kona 96740 is listed Courtesy of Kohanaiki Realty Llc
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