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Single Family Home
Kona Highlands - North Kona
Welcome to this well maintained, single level home offering three bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, and a dedicated office space. Nestled in a serene tropical setting, this home offers good ocean views, & extended living area with the large covered wraparound lanai providing additional space for both relaxation, lounging, and entertaining...
Kitchen features nearly new appliances, quality wood cabinetry, with built in glass curio displays, & solid surface counter tops.
The light & Bright Dining area, has Sliding patio doors that provide direct access to spacious covered lanai, Dine indoors or alfresco and enjoy the lushly manicured private surroundings .
Living room features custom built- in cabinetry, with the private office space, that is tucked around the corner, this area has a large picture window and loads of storage space. The main bathroom is Spacious and has been updated and restyled.
Outside, the back yard is spacious, and feels like a tropical grotto, it is landscaped with exotic flora & plantings and creates a very private setting with a beautiful lawn area. Located at the 1400 ft elevation this home benefits from the warm tropical breeze's and the optimal mix of sunshine. Freshly painted inside and out.
Additional highlights include a covered 2 car carport with built in storage, and ample off-street parking.
This home offers an easy care low-maintenance design, privacy and a convenient comfortable location.
73-1116 Alihilani Dr Kailua-Kona 96740 is listed Courtesy of Coldwell Banker Island Properties - Kona
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